Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013

Kommt demnächst: Spitzen-Reissverchluss-Tutorial / coming soon: Lace zipper pouch tutorial

Jetzt voll der Trend, und auch schon in meinem Shop zu haben: Spitzenreissverschlüsse.

Deren Verwendung macht natürlich nur Sinn, wenn man auch was davon sieht, also muss man sie ein bisschen anders verarbeiten als traditionelle Reißverschlüsse. Wie, habe ich mir neulich im Bett vor dem Einschlafen mal überlegt, und, oh Freude: bis auf 2 kleine Denkfehler klappt alles, wie gedacht.

Wie das geht, zeige ich euch so bald wie möglich in einem Foto-Tutorial.

Das Experimentier-Kaninchen:

Already available in my shop: Lace zippers.
The construction of the pouch using lace zippers has to be a little different than usually - otherwise you won't see anything of these cute little things.

I thought about how that might work out at night in my bed, and, surprise! - I was right. Two little bugs need to be fixed, but then you will get a tutorial for it. stay tuned.

fabric / Stoff: Riley Blake chevron neon, fishkopp Shop
lace zipper / Spitzenreissverschlussfishkopp Shop

Preisfrage des Tages / Question of the day:
Wie heisst mein Fitness-Studio? / What is the name of my Fitness Studio? *g*

Montag, 8. Juli 2013

ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte / one picture, at least

Ich bin leider zu müde, um noch gross was zu schreiben, aber immerhin was zum angucken bekommt ihr noch:
Das Kissen war letzte Woche ein Geburtstagsgeschenk:

Stoff / fabrics:  meine Stoffsmmlung / my stash
Stickdatei / embroidery file: Kunterbuntdesign: Summer girls oder so, Buchstaben / fonts: 5 star fonts.

I am just to tiered to write something, but I gonna show you at least a new picture:
This pillow was a birthday present I made last week.

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013

bloghop - put your stamp on it!

Today is my turn.
I have to thank our cheerleader, Thearica, for the great job she is doing - and for following my wish to put me on the schedule for today. Thanks so much.

I have to admit that I have been a terrible participant at the

blog hop. I have so much going on, with 4 kids on summer break at home and still having to work (did you know it is a lie when they tell you home office is great for moms with kids? It's not. The kids just don't understand that you are working when you sit with your netbook at the kitchen table. And you can't really work with all these interruptions -every 2 minutes).
I wander around on all blogs, to see the beautiful creations, but usually on the run,  waiting while somebody is having a swim lesson, on the playground or wherever, but it is just to uncomfortable to comment on a smart phone - and I really don't find the time to do it at home at the moment.
Sorry for that!

So, what does my stamp look like?

It combines the skyline of my hometown, Hamburg, in Germany
(okay, to tell the truth, I was not born there, but I lived there for 34 years, so that is the place I feel at home.) and the place where my heart is now - the San Francisco bay area.
Don't you love this state embroidery?
I found this embroidery file on etsy, and you can order your own state with the right placement of the heart there.
It took appleberryapps less then 12 hours to customize and deliver it!
The Hamburg skyline is a german embroidery file I found on dawanda - what is kind of the german etsy. She offers other german cities, too.
And in case you want to order something: she speeks and writes english. She initially thought I was american and wrote back in english to me :-)

The value of my stamp is forever 39. Why?
Because this joke was handed to me on a silver platter to me, as we say in German *g*
Today is my fortieth birthday. Happy birthday to me!

I have to admit I don't even want to stay 39 forever, that would mean to be stuck with a terrible adorable  two forever *uah* - I am looking very forward to my 55th birthday. Then all the children will be off to college or whatever, and I might finally get my own sewing room. Yeah! (at the moment, I sew in the entry way between kitchen and family room. And yes, that is as bad as it sounds. The first thing people see when I open the front door is my sewing chaos. This is how it looks like when it is tidied up. what it rarely is.)

But the joke was to good to let is pass by.

The stamp frame is made with a Silhouette Cameo - what an awesome toy! And I found the stamp frame ready to buy in their shop.

As one can have never enough of these, I but it on a shopping tote

this is a free german ebook called "Omas Liebling" by Farbenmix, you can download it here.
Grandma's best loved is a real useful shopping tote for all these grocery things you need. And, indeed, my Grandma had several like these - just not that nice. In Germany, plastic bags have never been free, you always had to pay for them, and the frugal german housewife would never have been so lavish to do so.

So, now hop over and stop by at the other awesome ladies who are presenting with me today:

July 2

Sew and Sow Farm  

fishkopp <------- (you are here)

Scraps of Life


Katie and Kwilts 

Em's Scrap Bag  


How ART you?


A Stitch in Time

and in case you have time to comment:

I attended the "you are my sister" event at Hart's fabric on sunday in Santa Cruz.
I will write more about it as soon as I find the time to do so.
They gave away wonderful goody bags. In mine, I found a scrap bag by windham fabrics. These are lovely fabrics, but just not the kind of fabric I use.

So I will pass it on.
If you would like to win it, please leave a comment telling me the name of the town you were born in.
This give away will close sunday evening, and I will ship the goody bag next week.

And it is time to announce the winner of the last blog hops give away.
It is

Mara, as a mom who has to clean up a car that had motion sick kids as passengers you sure deserve this little win (I hear you, sister!).
I'll send you an email.

have a great day, you all, and a lovely fourth of july,